Soela Appartementen Suriname

Albums Soela Apartments

Questions or more information?

Don't hesitate to call or send us an email at


 Please fill in all fields required (*) so that we can respond to your request. We will gladly assist you in the reservation process.

Gym and workout facilities

Our outdoor gym is protected from rain. The gym is available to all our guests.

Outdoor Jacuzzi

We know exactly what our expats need at the end of the day. Cool down in our Jacuzzi. 

Private swimming pool

With a private swimming pool surrounded by shaded green gardens, a pergola with wooden chaise longue, spending time outdoors has never been more inviting.


Soelastraat #4,
Paramaribo Suriname


Nachtegaalstraat #36 - 40,
Paramaribo Suriname

Send us an e-mail:

Please feel free to send us a message with any questions, comments, or needs you may have. Our mail address is:


Please fill in all fields required (*) in order for us to respond to your request as soon as possible.